Learning @ Home
At Tutor Doctor, we believe that there is more to academic success than just subject matter knowledge, and that many things can influence a student's academic career and life. Our podcast, Learning@Home, brings in experts from around the world to discuss various topics from developing a growth mindset, executive functioning skills, money management for teens and so much more, in the hopes that you can find some "aha" moments to help your student! Whether you're a parent, student or teacher, this podcast is for you!
Learning @ Home
Bringing Literacy & Numeracy to Life
Tutor Doctor
Season 1
Episode 12
We're joined by Dr. Diane Vetter, who is the Course Director for the Faculty of Education at York University. Diane holds a PhD in Education with research interests in oral language and learning, and has also published on the topics of Oral Language, Inclusive Learning and Cross-Curricular Infusion.
Diane gives advice and recommendations on how parents can bring learning to life through environmental print & community activities, rich talk, using time in the car with your kids to have meaningful discussions, and how to think critically about messages in the media.